A Word from Mayan Elder Hunbatz Man
And what does this mean 'Is it the end of all things?' Is this calculation of the ending of our world (which is how it has progressed in the minds on the media driven western societies). Is it based upon a full an proper understanding of the entire 17 calendars that the ancient Mayans used in their calculations of the cosmos?…Is the mathematics absolutely accurate that predicts this time of 2012 and the “Ending of the Mayan calendar”? The answer is, No, it is based upon partial information…not complete understanding of the Mayan Calendars and the mathematical information they give us to use. Now there are a lot of people scurrying around trying to defend their positions and claims. in the end Hu Nab Ku, the Creator Wakantonka, Mahayo, Yahweh, Mother~ Father God, will have the final say, not man…for mankind has forgotten the ancient knowledge as it is no longer at our fingertips as it once was…we have fallen into a slumber, a deep, deep slumber…
Right now while we sit here in the splendor of our realized world there are many thousands of Mayan people fighting for the right to be Mayan and practice their Spirituality…the struggle against the beast, the anti-Christ continues… “Why,” some might ask, “do these indigenous people keep fighting and dying…why not just be like the rest of the world…give in…What is it that keeps them going for all these hundreds of years….without victory they have the vision, they have seen the future, and their calculations are based upon truths that go back well over 35,000 years…”
Of this time that has been prophesized, what is it that is actually supposed to occur in the year 2012? The shifting of the heavens is one thing, giant waves of photon energy… that will rock many things…. We are experiencing the Dance of Kali. The Death cycle is almost over, but not before we see the final dance of the tyrants. We are also, on the other hand, experiencing a birthing process, and if we watch mother earth we notice that her birthing can appear quite violent by our human standards…Can they not?
The words of the prophet Quatzalcoatl, Chilam Balam, the Pale Prophet, jesus-Sananda the one who appeared to Wavoka, the Pauite Visionary who called forth the Ghost Dance over 110 years ago called in his time for a change in the dream that the People might survive the holocaust of annihilation (which is not unlike the children of today.) This is a ceremony where understanding of its knowledge has been handed down to me by my indigenous elders… At this time I would share this part of its understanding with you…
"Know that for 5 full cycles of the Dawn Star (Venus circles the Earth every 104 years x 5 = 520 years which is up according to the Mayan calendar in the Mayan year 2012) the rule of the warlike strangers would grow into greater and greater orgies of death…and destruction.
‘Remember well what I have taught you and return not to the ways of the serpent and the sacrificers, to the eating of flesh and the drinking of blood. This path will lead only unto the final destruction. Know that the end time will come in 5 full cycles of the Dawn Star, for the cosmos is eternal and never fails… for five is the number of Man, the Earth being 8
(8 pointed Star)(5 pointed star of man) it is 13. And a sacred number in understanding the system of our predictions and level in the 'Cycle of Cvilizations' . 13, 26, 52, etc. The difference between 8 and 13 is 5 which is the number (frequency) of these children of destruction.
He goes on to say in the ancient codice.`“When they have polluted the Earth to such an extent that the number of Earth becomes as 13 then in that moment the destroyers shall be no more, the dream shall alter as Hu Nab Ku (Our father in heaven) has a plan a great plan and that cannot be altered. There shall be a shifting, a great shaking and all things shall be touched, even the stones, and in a moment there shall be a newness in a great swelling of light that will fill the heavens and block out even the light of our own sun in its brightness…and the worlds shall split as will the heavens... in a moment. And in that moment you shall be where your heart is for time as we have known it shall be no more..”…
Through the Eye of the Shaman Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf….
Mankind has dreamed the dream of violence, and learning through pain and suffering…We are seeing the final playing out of that drama in these latter days of the Piscean age.. One age does not abruptly stop and another suddenly begin; there is an overlaying and a transition. The transition can often times be painful to experience. Presently we are entering the frequency of Christ Consciousness. This is a real frequency not a mythological occurrence. The coming of the Aquarian age is like watching the dance of Kali. It is a two-edged sword. That which is based upon falsehood and manipulation of reality is falling away, while that which is based upon universal law and cosmic truth is finding its way through the cracks of the old solidified consciousness and birthing new abundance and life.Have you ever heard the terminology “Life is not supposed to be a struggle?” to hear it is one thing but to employ it as your everyday philosophy is another thing entirely. In order to set new patterns in our lives it is necessary to open up to what may be to you, new concepts of thinking. In this new time what we think is what we draw to us, and the quickening is making us realize that principle of the Universal Law on a moment-to-moment actuality.
Start living in a oneness of self, doing what is right for you. In the applying of this principle, you may find that certain approaches do not work. This does not mean that the principle is incorrect. Only that the method is not yet developed. One cannot suddenly assume the strength of the Bear when they have lived a lifetime as a rabbit. Practice them daily, doing what is wholesome and correct for you. If it brings Godly feelings, then you will know that you are correct. If others criticize you for your path, remember that every sage in the history of mankind was criticized for their self-chosen path away from the herd. The libraries are filled with stories about them, and yet there is not one story to be found of the critics who persecuted them. As we become increasingly aware of our divine heritage, and false concepts crumble before our eyes, and we witness the oneness of each other and all cultures; the separation will fall away like the darkness at dawn. People will learn they can learn to live amongst each other without fear, and paranoia. The re-experiencing of ancient rhythms and understandings of the old ones will bring about a diminishing of the false distance between peoples. Relationships will be based upon commonality and evenness, and the old paradigm will slowly wither away.
This will bring about a sense of closeness with earth’s ancient beings, and as the practice of true Spiritual Freedom is exercised on a daily basis by more and more people who will be opening up to the new way, the collapsing of time begins to occur. We will realize more and more that time is artificial, a synthesized realty. As this occurs and we find new energy in expressing our Spiritual freedom, speaking directly to Creator, rather then going to an interpreter, we will find a new closeness with Mother-Father God.
Many Children are already coming into this plane with this knowing; they have a memory of who they are, and where they are coming from and why. This is a miraculous occurrence, and is the result of our continued determination to find true Spiritual Freedom and gender evenness in our social structures. God is both the Feminine and the Masculine energies; which came first is of little concern for it is a cycular reality of constant Yin and Yang.
Here in the Western hemisphere we will witness great breakthroughs in the ceasing of the gender wars. The emerging Christ Consciousness will not tolerate it and women will regain their rightful place in the social structure.This will bring about a great healingof the almost absent family structures, although there will be definite changes, in that marriages will not be necessary and there will be a vast population of second and third generation single mothers, which will create out of necessity a new social order of its own.This also will be partially to the decline in population of the male in our species, something that is already occurring, but will soon become evident to the eyes of the media that brings the message to the people.
This first decade will see many women become leaders in the political arenas of the world’s nations and as well in the communities and Neo-Tribalism that will become prominent in the Highlands of both North and South America. As well, many women will take on the role of spiritual leaders, which will change the
infrastructures of many contemporary religious concepts as well those of the indigenous peoples, as they begin to remember their true wisdom teachings that have been damaged in the separation of the genders that occurred during the Piscean Age. Concerning Mother Earth, we know she is subject to gradual changes all the time; nothing remains stationary. In addition to this natural changing process, there occur occasional cataclysms. But I might add they are never without warning. Earth changes are afoot, they always are.
The great upheavals, the ones which cause radical alterations in the disposition of continents and seas, the shifting of the poles, are governed by the rhythmic pulse of the planet's own life currents and her interaction with the cosmos. She is, after all, a living being, and has her own reality that we as yet cannot fit into our scope of vision and understanding. These catastrophic changes take place at apparently regular intervals whose length far surpasses any secular histories that we can recall. One reason for this occurrence is the depredation of the human inhabitants who, over much too long a period, violate and ignore the laws that govern the ecological system. As is her nature, this Sacred mother that we all are a part of; that when the degree of human destructiveness becomes intolerable, she rebels and reclaims her rightful place as the Mother of all. In her emotional displays of recreation she is often quick and to the point; she is after all very much a woman.. In her raging dance to reclaim the simplicity of her ways she brings about violent change in restoring the balance of elements back to their original design and intent, Her design and Her intent.
This dance is all part of the normal processes of the living Mother’s regeneration system, which is her immune system, and her actions bring about a rapid and healthy recovery and redemption. She is very much like us in that the causes for disease and imbalance are spiritual decline, and result from an imbalanced consciousness that she herself creates, and like the artist she is, if she does not like the canvas, she changes it.
The face of the earth is changing already, the struggle in consciousness to keep our spiritual aims high, and hope that they continue progressing in the steady but interestingly slow pace that they are progressing. There will be many changes that are seemingly unavoidable, and these are discussed with some depth in my book <u>Last Cry</u>. The main concern we have right now, children of the earth, are three
the first I described earlier with the weather anomalies that will be occurring..
The second is the pole shift.This will cause a great shifting in the seasons, completely changing the
climatic conditions upon the Earth’s surface. Nothing is stable, and we need to take into account with the intelligent use of our technologies how to deal with climatic instability and, as well, high winds, water pollution, Oxygen diminishment, genetically manipulated plant life, and the probability that in our madness to control nature we have created forces that now will bring about changes in life forms that we could not imagine.
So building of greenhouses and the study of hydroponics gardens are a wise utilization of time and energy. Also best to build them in domes. They will be necessary to withstand the winds and the earthquakes that will be occurring with more and more frequency, as well build them on high ground, old ground…the mountains would be best.
Thirdly we are going to have to learn to deal with the very real danger of new kinds of Solar Storms that actually come to Earth directly from Grandfather Sun and in irregular, but constant intervals. Burning fireballs will be, if not a common occurrence, a fairly regular one. Then there are the effects of the solar winds that will we know wreck havoc upon our space-age technology. These are not winds like the wind that fills your sails, they are winds of energy and remain unpredictable in nature and effect…Divine intervention will occur, if we are wanting and worthy of it.
What about Earth Changes?
The destruction of the human race will be first by its own hand before there is a mass destruction by the divine forces of the Mother of all. What we are seeing today is not the result of Earth Changes in a natural manner. Rather we are experiencing self-destruction caused mainly by our own doing; it is cause and effect. Remember greater than 60% of the human population will perish, ‘tis true, but by its own doing, not the forces of life…The horror we experience in the world today has not a thing to do with
nature, it has every thing to do with man. '
Change the way you think and you will change the conditions under
which you live… As for the other prophecies about Earth Changes,
most that concerns us has already been told, it is merely a matter
of time and consciousness…which will determine the final outcomes.
In 1986 the Elders Told Us The Prophecies about a time when the Eagle would Shake the Earth three time bringing wake-up warning from the Creator Himself. Many years ago I remember Lee Brown spoke about the 10,000 year old Hopi Prophecies "You're going to see a time when the eagle will fly its highest in the night and it will land upon the moon." Some tribes say the eagle will circle the moon. Some tribes say the eagle will fly it's highest in the night. And at that time,they say, Many of the Native people will be
sleeping, which symbolically means they have lost their teachings. There are some tribes that say it will be as if they are frozen: they've been through the long winter.
But they say, When the eagle flies it's highest in the night, that will be the first light of a new day. That will be the first thawing of spring. Of course, at the first light of a new day, if you've
stayed up all night, you notice it's really dark. And the first light, you want to see it, but you can't. It sneaks up on you. You want to see it change but it's dark and then pretty soon it's getting light before you know it. We're at that time now... we're still in the darkness and some of us are trying to stay awake and catch that first light.
They say at that time there will be villages in this land so great that when you stand in the villages you will not be able to see out, and in the prophecies these are called ; 'villages of stone', or 'prairies of stone'. And they said the stone will grow up from the ground and you will not be able to see beyond the village. At the center of each and every one of these villages will be Native people, and they will walk as hollow shells upon a prairie of stone. They said 'hollow shells' which means they will have lost any of their traditional understandings; they will be empty within. They said after the Eagle lands on the moon some of these people will begin to leave these prairies of stone and come home and take up some of the old ways and begin to make themselves reborn, because it's a new day. But many will not.
And they said there's going to come a time when in the morning the sun is going to rise and this village of stone will be there, and in the evening there would just be steam coming from the ground. They will be as steam. And in the center of many of those villages of stone when they turn to steam, the Native people will turn to steam also because they never woke up and left the village.
And this used to bother me when I was a young man. I used to ask the elders, Isn't there anything we can do? And they said, well, it's just that way that if a person does not have the spiritual eyes to see, it's very hard to show them. Or if they don't have the ears to hear, it's very hard to speak with them. We wish that we could go get them all but we can't. It's just that some are not going to wake up. But some will wake up .
And so they say there's going to be the Third Shaking of the Earth. It's not going to be a good thing to see but we will survive it. We will survive it.
The First Pole Shift Magnetic shifting of energies.
The technologies of science are already discovering ways to rejuvenate and extend our life. We will soon find that in fact there are natural ways to extend and rejuvenate the life span. The simple miracle in sustaining this, it will be discovered, lies in the accessing of our spiritual side. Here the natural hormones, which are presently paralyzed by our life style, our diet and suppressed emotions, can be activated once again.
The importance of the ductless glandular system will be realized and very shortly (It already exists and is known.) As the breakdown in old lifeless systems of corporate bureaucracies crumble, and true methods of healing are restored the use of these systems of meditation, and nutrition will be available to the People. This will begin in the communities that are already silently forming as we begin the restructuring of our global society through the Neo-Tribalization, which will be governed by consciousness rather than political means or might. We are a resourceful people and the ultimate
survival machine. Realizing the oneness of it all we will be reborn…
We come to realize that all things are interconnected and interactive, and interdependent upon each other, Body, Mind and Spirit; we will remember the teachings of the Merkaba, and the Kabalah which were well understood by the ancients… we have simply forgotten them. As we learn this golden rule, we will shortly realize that the corruption occurred when these wisdoms were cloistered away and kept by an elite few, all for the purpose of power over their fellow man and this will instill a great movement in the
reestablishment of the temples of learning… places where anyone with the capacity to learn will be able to come and participate. For the whole is much better off when the burden of secrecy is removed and the sharing is unilateral, and not biased nor manipulated for the shallow agenda of self-gratification. Immortality is not an unattainable rite or accidental occurrence; it is a universal ability that is housed within each an every one of us. We need only unlock the door to unlimited thought, for what we
think we become…
As we come closer to the realization of our God-self in this process of reawakening, our perceptions will change from simple gratification of the five senses, and masturbating our fear nodes, to one where we seek rather to achieve universal compassion and the uplifting of the race as a whole. This will align itself along with the re-establishing of true human values, a common welfare we acquire through the New-Tribalization. This will lead us in a different way to the Golden Age. For this is a metaphorical phrase rather then a literal one. The Golden Age will be an age of enlightenment not material gratification, one where each of us meets and respects the other as living God-man/God-woman.
Schools will be established to heal the multitudes that suffer from the trauma of the transition period, which will lead to even greater methods of holistic healing and the accomplishment of the perception of oneness of the species. This will be enhanced by the realization that we are not alone in the universe; in fact we are part of a great and expansive galactic community. The reasons for this occurrence will be obvious.
With the old paradigm of nationalism no longer useful, or even realistic, we will create a new global sense of consciousness. For in this transition, if we are wise, we need not lose our technology, only redirect it. This will and can be accomplished by the allowing of our own rearranging of thought and allowing the possibility of new perceptions.
There will be the fulfilling of the prophecy of the Great Star that will appear, as told by the Prophet to the Algonquin People in the Great Peace, which translates to the rebirth of the Great Peace in the prophecies of Deganaweda (The Peace Maker). This was a true story of the second coming, for the Prophet will return and is already traveling amongst us. His ambassadors are everywhere. And they appear not as you might think, for they are in the flesh, and among you.
The truth about the Prophet will be revealed in the archeological evidences of his existence in many lands, before his retuning in the embodiment. This was also foretold and is already occurring. And when he comes he will not be alone, nor will this miraculous event only be fulfilled by the masculine for
many divine feminine entities will also appear. For the experience of limited existence shall no longer serve a purpose in our searching for divine probability…
More and more frequently unto those who have found the wonder of the silence and the return to simplistic life styles shall these magnificent beings appear. They shall come as guides and teachers, as brother and sister to their kin, in evenness and as messengers of fulfillment of promises made long ago…This anomaly is already occurring in obscure places and in the mountains, amongst many Peoples and cultures…
For the dimensional walls of the artificial reality, the synthesized geometry of the imposed reality, is fading away like the mists in the noonday sun. Time, which was always only a concept, is evaporating, and as it does many dimensional doorways are opening. The entire frequency of the universe has altered and continues to do so. For something new has occurred, something that affects that which is far off, and as close as our skin,perhaps as close as our thoughts.
We are being filtered by a natural process that protects us from the full impact of the effects of the fourth dimension that we are already passing through, as we become fifth dimensional beings once again.
In exploring the Fourth Dimension we are actually looking for something that does not exist; the fourth dimension so to speak is not a dimension, rather it is a doorway, a portal between existences. It has not
the ability to hold form, nor can it respond to thought. So in effect thought gets caught in it. As a result all the malaligned thought that we ever had exists within the constraints of the fourth dimension; it is a lifeless dimension. We as beings of light come through this portal from the Fifth Dimension.
Only thought that is of the higher frequency can pass through, thought that has life force imbedded within it, so in a way, the fourth dimension is of its own nature a filter between the temporal reality and the immortal reality. It is like this: we are “In movement”, for all that is alive is in movement; we move
back and forth between the third and the fifth dimensions. In both we have an existence, in-between there is nothing alive, for there is nothing for thought to hold on to.
Perhaps this explains why we are feeling so many mixed feelings. We are actually in the forth dimension, moving from one existence to another, in the process of transition. Yet to some the old paradigm is
very real, because they are moving into it while with others, this third dimensional expression is very unreal, because we are moving out of it…It is called evolution. As I said throughout this message, the transition period is very difficult to deal with, as it is a condition of constant flex and change.
Best become compassionate with yourself, and learn to allow yourself to grow; allow yourself to come in contact with your feelings, allow yourself to explore and to know your own thoughts; allow yourself to become allowing and change with the event and the moment, and thus remain constant. This is the wisdom
of the river, and the sky.
Do this, for in the next moment you will be given the choice to move forwards or backwards. Go follow your thoughts, can you see them?,… Can you see how thoughts work? Can you feel them, see them, know them?
One thing is certain: In the next moment you will no longer be what you are in this moment….For this moment will become the past. You will find that you will change what you do, as well as how you think, if you are progressing successfully along the path of awakening, so make no hard fast rules, and do not get caught up in what you think you are. For you will live all your knowing expressions that you have ever experienced during the transition. Learn to accept Change with grace and poise.. And when you hear yourself saying, “ I will never…” know that you will. Your spirit is your only constant in this shifting reality.
One of the hardest things you are going to have to deal with in this process is that you are going to have to face your fears; literally live them out and move through them, and get on with it. This is necessary under the Universal Law. That which you fear is illusion, and remains as a block to you progress upon the path. Therefore you will face you fear over and over again until you elect to stand your holy ground and move through it, not demanding the circumstance of the outcome, only that you pass through it and regain sense of self once more. For this is part of the quest; to retain self through a gauntlet of external circumstances, to stay in positive center of your divine being and not give into reactionary, emotional displays of undirected energy.
One becomes the master when they have learned the secret of welcoming change, and circumstance without reservation, and judgment and during the experience they remain constant unto their divine nature. This is the plane of action, and action is fueled by emotion, which activates the inner passion for life
itself. Remember 'life seeks life'; it is an energy not a thing… We must master emotion and feelings in order to pass through this gateway to paradise. So, do you dare to become the master, or do you elect to return to the past? Either is fine, this is not about wrong or right… that is duality ,and duality exists only in the image of self.
The image is the state of altered-ego, { EGO = Edging God Out} which occurs when we get caught in the reflection of the light, and lose contact with the source that sustains us. The image is the state of altered-ego, which occurs when we get caught in the reflection of the light and lose contact with the source that sustains us.
Before you go, there are a few other things to be considered. If this Earth is to be renewed, if paradise is to be achieved, and the human species is to survive... the old social and political systems, the dying old dog régimes, must be replaced with truth and openness to the new growth.
Or else the human dream shall of its own accord collapse unto itself; this is the commandment of the Christ Consciousness. Dogmatic enslavement, policies of greed and the deliberate suppression of the human spirit, the altering of the Universal Laws to suit the momentary political condition, the denial of truth to those who would seek its path; and the manipulation of whole People through neuro-linguistic programming.
All this has lead to a fracturing of the very geometry of life. Human consciousness has become so weakened that we hardly have the will to go through the daily motions of living. There is no longer laughter in the hearts of People and there is little hope and vision for the youth.
This decay of our society is to be witnessed everywhere, there is not the ability to disguise things any longer. Further the matter seems to be a global situation, not secular, nor cultural issue any longer. Yet here and there amongst the overpowering scenario of the Great Dying, we see new thrust of inspiration and signs of something new that is arising. Of their own volition there are those who are striving to restore basic human values, and spiritual awakening. As the older dreamers, the ones still drugged and
programmed to perpetuate the old paradigm they are liken to wasp nests in our summer cottage.
But there is a new bread of Dreamer emerging, struggling to break the barriers of the paradigm shield, to
open humanity to new ideas, to unity of spiritual and physical self, of Art and science find refuge and a place of quiet safety to hold on to the dream of Divine Humanity, there can be heard the cries of the youth, thousands of them who have managed to establish for themselves micro-communities where they might somehow create an environment of compassion and human kindness. these are the True Sons and daughters of God. Born mutants of Angelic heritage.
`They often wear what the older generation would call costumes, and frequently dress in periodical styles, as an expression of their quest for human identity. You can find them in old houses in the inner cities, and campgrounds along the riverbanks, together they comprise a new phenomenon of the outcast children of our dysfunctional and rapidly decaying family structures.
They are the Ghost Children. This is not a small occurrence, and it happens in all levels of our social structures. Neither rich nor poor are immune to what is occurring. They number in the tens of thousands, and they are all over our fair land.
Life is seeking life, and even though faced with seemingly insurmountable odds, it is achieving its own level of human awareness. These new generations of self-raised children are fast becoming tomorrow’s young adults, and they possess a very different perception of the myth of our social society. They are learning to manifest another reality, with sheer desire and new patterns of extended family are resulting. Often they seek the fables and stories of another time, when the world as it is written about
was a place where hopes and dreams were achievable.
The insane quest for the material dreams, and acquiring wealth and power in these young people is foreign. They are very mature in experience, though still trying to grow emotionally under their
imposed harsh social living conditions. There is today an unbelievable amount of young pregnancies and communal families to care for these infants of the forgotten children of the industrial dream. They are developing a social structure and belief patterns very different than most of us over forty were
exposed to when we were growing up in the illusion of the American Myth. Our main problem is we have outgrown our image collection, and can no longer see ourselves.
What other choice do they have, for in many places, although it is still a not-to-be spoken about reality, there is no job market for them even to aspire to enter. The costs of living, ever rising and
inflation out of control, they have no hope of assimilating into the “Dead Dream”. They are used to being outcast, and not considered in matters of community well being, as they are considered outcasts, and misfits, and, my God!! They are our children!! Every one else is too busy raising prices to meet
the demand for even higher and higher rents and housing costs, and keeping up with our addiction to things… material madness it would seem… has left these children behind, to fend for them selves. These forgotten children will create a society that will learn quickly the principles of survival, and the condition also leads to the rise in the Neo-Tribalism. We have created a synthetic society that has
created its own ending, yet most of us are too caught up in the madness of just keeping up with the rat race, and dealing with our own failing adult relationships, based upon paradigms which no longer even exist in reality and we can’t see it occurring. But these indigo children vibrate at to high a rate the illusions simply do not take hold of them.
The only cure is compassion and abrupt change in social, and spiritual thinking. Nature is already grooming them for survival of the species. What they need is love, and how can we provide that, when we do not even have the time to learn how to love and understand ourselves. The emergence of Christ Consciousness is not a delicate occurrence, and it is happening in spite of us. Many of these children
have a level of intelligence that is far beyond and, for the most part, they have absentee parents. At twenty they already have passed their level of intelligence, although mainly due to circumstance uneducated, of most adults twice their age. Yet in the struggle of their transition they remain evolving
without love and caring, and nurturing; they are emotional cripples, suffering from the void of humanness.
Ahhh, the saving grace of the Internet, the Great Spider Mother weaver of dreams , creator of realities, and the deliverer of magical opportunities and the ability of self-education and communication where the concept of time and distance evaporate like the morning due upon the grasses.. Hence the explosion of Role Playing Games, and why not? What other avenue is available, what other avenue offers interaction and the building of a dream and satisfies the quest for personal identity?
These New Children's minds have, in the Evolutionary process, become adapted to working at incredible speeds, as they emerge themselves into the cyber realities that the World Wide Web offers them.Remember what we dream, if we dream it long enough, we become what we dream. The shield, the secret is that these new faces believe and live what they appear to be; they have integrated their inner self with their outer self. they are one. While they are becoming something very different then the old paradigm had to offer, which in their outlook was nothing at all. It is passing, like an old dream..
There is another scenario occurring at this time in our world, a great and dark drama that is playing itself out of which these children are very aware….. The Armageddon Myth---Generations of humanity deliberately programmed for the ultimate game of self-destruction. This scenario, which is realized through what to them are obvious programs of global depopulation, remains an immovable obstacle in the reclaiming of our youth, which has become this present global societies’ declaration of self-demise.
The belief in magic and supernatural answers is on the rise, and the broken dreams of our youth are being resurrected. This time it is a global occurrence, for the capability of these children of the lost
dream to communicate all over the globe is affording them opportunities we of the older generation could only conceive in fairytales.
These children are developing abilities of clairvoyance, and focus of mind that is empowering their infant dreams into manifestation. In their role-playing they are becoming the characters their cyber-heroes have offered them to replace the adults who have abandoned them and turned their backs. So perhaps it might be wise if you are still fortunate enough to be close with your children to observe silently and even summon the courage to ask them why they spend so much time on that computer. What is it
they are dreaming, what are they becoming, and why.
There is a decreasing separation between being “an adult” and being “a child”. The only thing adulthood seems to offer is a free license to engage in perversion of the natural. Adults do not even talk to each other any more. Their relationships have been reduced to the existence of little more then working
drones. But the children? Herein lies the hope for humanity. The indigo children they have come to defend the dream.
What they can’t have they will create. Can you remember when you played role-playing games in your own way as a child…? What has been stolen from them, their humanity, their heritage, their remembrance of who and why they are, and philosophies they will recreate seeking the guidance of the supernatural. In their own way they are crying for a vision. They are well aware that they are old souls inhabiting young bodies, and the myth is no longer working.
What is the sense of the miraculous in this you ask? They are dreaming the new world, and in their dreaming they are creating the new rules and guidelines that society will experience as humanity follows the footsteps. It is the unfolding of a new dream right before your very eyes. They are reclaiming what the older generation has lost in this life…a sense of the magical and miraculous things that occur in this life. They are rebirthing the fairytale as they embark upon the quest for the lost human spirituality. This impassioned quest is the very ingredient that calls forth the living Christ energy to which the older, more mature humanity has obviously lost the directions. It is Life seeking life.
Hopi Prophecy from the late Chief Dan Evehema, the eldest Hopi who passed over in 1998……
We will see extraordinary events in Nature and Earth, including humans who will come as messengers. And in the heavens the Kachinas will be making their presence known hoping that we would turn things around here even in the last minute. For there are those coming who will not be friendly towards us. We have always known of these beings. Some of them live beneath the Earth.
If this fails to materialize it will be because our great Creator elected to do this in another way, and then the forces of nature will do the task. It could be total destruction in many forms then. Very few will survive.
The liberators will come from the west with great force. They will drop down from the skies like rain. They will have no mercy. They will light up the heavens. We must not get on the housetops to watch. They will shake us by our ears, like children who have been bad. This will be the final decisive battle between good and evil. This battle will cleanse the hearts of people and restore our Mother Earth from
illness, and the wicked will be gotten rid of.
Now we enter the time of testing that only the Great Creator can confirm. We will know the time by the alignment of the planets; we are so kindly informed about the stars by the star watchers, and the Hopi have awaited this event. The stars are our clock, and they cannot be altered. We were told that when the end time is near we would see a halo of mist beginning to appear around the heavenly bodies. Four
times this mist will appear around the Sun as a warning that we must reform or perish…
Over and over again we are reminded that it all is a matter of choice. We have the power to change things and turn them around. When those from the stars appear, first they will observe, then they will forewarn, then they will come, and more than just the Hopi see this occurring in force. When they come it will be direct intervention, perhaps as an intervention to help us save our planet from total and inevitable self-destruction if we have turned around the cycles of behavior, and negative thinking that is causing our own suffering.
May you walk softly upon this Earth and find yourself once again. That is what you came here to remember. May you reclaim your power, and remember your humanity. You are not without hope and assistance from supreme forces, but you are out of time… you must take action now. The time for contemplation is over.
reprinted with great respect on behalf of the Hopi people and Robert Ghostwolf