The Ninth Thunder


Greetings from Grandfather Ghost Wolf

Long have I talked about the upset of the tectonic plates and the arrival of an impending cataclysm.A cataclysm that would start a chain of events which would lead to, and would cause volcanic eruptions,as well the forming of new volcanoes, and the calling of Grandfather (Mt.Baker). Also I have spoken of a major upheavel not only along the Cascade chain, but to the east near Montana.

As many of you are aware there seems to be much activity around Yellowstone. There is even talk of an impending eruption of a super volcano. The prophecies of the Eigth Thunder I eluded that there were more prophecies which could not at the time be released Until I was given permission from my elders.That time has come and will soon be revealed as the Ninth Thunder unfolds. There are two more that I was given, by the elders so many years ago now, those have to do with the Heavens.

The Dragon has shown it's face, and as you read this, the Dragon, is loose upon the land. Soon that whole of humanity will watch in awe as the Dragon breaths its fiery breath upon the land. The devestation's will be wide spread,and the true meaning of shock and awe understood, as the men of science, and the Priests of Organized Religions stand by in utter helplessness, observing the forces of nature unleashed.

Look to the area of Long Valley Caldera for this is where the events that will change the Earth forever will commence:and the Earth Changes take hold of their destiny.

The tectonic plates comprise that which we call the Earths surface,or crust. They are always in an ebb flow cycle of movement. These plates float upon what is known as 'the mantle'. This mantle is comprised of two layers of magma. One that is soft and one that is stiff.

The inner mantle can be found between 190 miles(300km)and 1800 miles (2890km) below the earths surface. The average temperature is 5400 F (3000C), never the less the rock is solid because of the high pressures. The inner mantle for the biggest part probably consists of sulphides and oxides of silicon and magnesium.The density is between 4.3g/cm3 and 5.4g/cm3.

Most Volcanoes are found along the plate boundaries,but some such as Hawaii are found within a plate far from the boundaries. The most likely cause for this is a hot spot, which may also be the cause of Yellowstone. The Long Valley Caldera has been formed within a rift zone.In other words the area of Long Valley is being pulled apart. The New Madrid Fault Zone is a rift zone that for what ever reason failed.

A magma chamber exists beneath active and dormant volcanoes.I'm not ready to rule out inactive volcanoes just because the darn thing hasn't shown any activity in 100,00 years or so. This chamber was formed when magma from the mantle found its way up through the crust. For the most part there is no connection between volcanoes,but there are exceptions to every rule.

Two volcanoes in Mexico have the same chamber as their source of magma.These volcanoes are Popo and Colima. There is no connection between Yellowstone and Long Valley Caldera as the magma comes from two different sources as samples of past eruptions show. This is how Volcanologists know which volcano caused the extinction of some species.

There is a new volcano being born in Northern California at this very moment. Of course at the rate it is being born it still has at least 400,00 years to before it makes its presence known. This is Lake Pillsbury, which is about a 4 hour drive north of San Francisco.

It has been said " When the time will come for the shifting to begin, cannot be fortold. Only the circumstances that avail themselves near that time can been seen. When the time comes and the shifting commences it will come as a thief in the night,and take you unawares..prepare yourselves and make your temple ready for the day of the Lord is coming."

That time is now very close. What is spoken of here effects that which will effect the whole of our solar system, and those beyond. Tend to your temples and make them pure. Ready yourselves for your true salvation for all we can do now is observe...and know that those who carried the messages of the impending Earth Changes....those who were given the visions of the maps by the masters...many of whom have gone into reclusive survival, yet they and those who remain standing, truly were the messengers.

If we are to survive we must relearn to live in 'commanality', one for the good of the whole. As things are now, we are divided, and bickering amongst each other over petty things. What is about to occur is bigger than all of this.

Call close to you your loved ones, your children and elders who you have forsaken. Give up your judgments of others less you judge yourselves. Compassion and allowance are to be your new virtues, opening your hearts and abundance to all who are sent to your doors. Use discernment and discretion, for many a wolf will dorn sheeps clothing as they say. Now is the time to awaken the Christ within us all. And to take responsibility, and positive actions to help those that make the effort to cross the bridges of this limited reality...into the light.

Be certain to make peace with the heavens for the heavens are now upon us...and the wars of angels can be felt with each new breath.

For we are voyagers of the light, ALL OF US, and that is all we are in this place...Experiencing the dream as it unfolds in accordance with our thoughts,actions, and deeds. All we we have is the time allotted us, and the chance to make the best of that time....

In the light...Grandfather, Robert Ghost Wolf


reprinted with great respect on behalf of the Hopi people and Robert Ghostwolf