In the Hopi prophecies we are told about the coming of the twins again in our heavens. The twins are the Kachinas that return prior to the purifier. They are connected to the Comet that we experienced in the spring of `97. The stories that the Hopi have tell us that one the Twins takes care of the North Pole the other the South Pole. They keep this world in balance. They went away long ago with those from the stars to take care of other worlds in this universe, that Creator was developing, for this universe is pretty much like a big garden for the Creator. When they come back to see if the world needs shaking up if it has fallen out of balance. The twins will create much chaos as they cause the magnetic poles to shift and the Earth itself to wobble. This wobbling will cause everything to get stirred up, bringing about change on almost every level of life seen and unseen, (consciousness).
We will see the manifestation of the cycles of self destruction that have permeated our way of life for 2000 years if physical existence begin merge into the dimensional hologram that contains our consciousness or known reality accepted by the social consciousness. This will cause universal reaction of our emotional behavior to slip deeper into reactionary response occurrences. Feelings of undirected anger, frustration, and anxiety will cause many personal emotional problems. Personal relationships and family structures will degenerate and become almost epidemic in proportions. This is what I call the veil of two-dimensional perception, because we too often can not see beyond our own self, and inner conflicts, to see the truth of what is going on around us.
We are going to experience many hidden realities revealed in our inter-dimensional and in our philosophies and theology belief systems. This will obviously cause much uncertainty, and self doubt to cloud our every day experiences. It will be like we are frozen in our situations and unable to cause change of basic circumstances. This will force us to realize that consciousness and attitude effect everything around us. We are going to have to own ourselves, as well as the results of the games we play. There will be the discovery of several Lost Cities where the ancient temples, where ancient schools of knowledge once existed, which have long been hidden away. Also this will force many to look at hard evidence of our true past history, and not the story sold to us. This new realization will cause many to question the standards of their belief systems.
These findings will include halls of records, as well as irrefutable evidence that different cultures thrived and where very present in places where it was previously never conceived that they could have been. Some of this will result from the terrible storms, and shakings of the Earth that will occur during this time. The tectonic plates are now begin to bend and stretch in many places, and as whole mountains will seem to be dissolving in the torrential rain's that are coming as a result of El Nino. Remember there will be many cycles of the El Nino. It is best to refer to the actual book Winds of Change to read up on the details of this phenomenon. Many souls at this time of the Fourth thunder will begin to awaken and realize that they have reincarnated upon this Earth for service during the transition. They will bring forth new technology resulting in ways to lesson the effects of the unnatural disasters that will be experienced due to manipulated weather patterns that have gone array, and disease's that will effect crops world wide. Hunger and sickness will become a major concern, causing those who run the governmental structures to consider quarantine urban areas. It should be noted that many of those who were born between 1944 and 1947, and those born from 1976 to 1979, and once again in the mid 90's are former residents of Atlantis. This occurred in three waves. The first which recreated the technology that destroyed Atlantis, the Second which was responsible for the Spiritual understandings, and the ones who have come back to deal with karmic ties to the end times that are playing them selves out once again. Many of these souls are coming back to help with the transition, so many that there are not enough embodiments for them all. Which is why we have the experiences of so many Walk Ins. In regarding this matter it must be considered that conditions that allow for souls to exchange embodiments allow for the existence of other occurrences. We must not forget that mankind can also create Walk Ins themselves through the misuse of technology given to us by our star brothers.
As has occurred with in the exposed realities of the Phoenix or the Montauk Experiments, where science plays with time and dimensional levels of our reality. This type of reckless behavior has created many irreversible problems. Walk Ins also can be sourced from other than human souls. Yes extraterrestrials can project their consciousness into human bodies, and take them over so to speak. So we must use extreme discernment when we come into contact with these individuals. There is an expression amongst the Sioux People, which is Washictu. Which properly translated means those without souls, those who are not connected to their centers, which is connected to the Source. The true meaning of this has been forgotten by most, as a result of letting go of the original teachings, and veering off from the original teaching of the indigenous people. The meaning of this phrase must be understood in order that those who are returning to the light may successfully do so. Again I speak with some detail about this in Winds of Change.
There is a center of the Source. The Wakon Tanka, the Great Mystery. In the beginning of creation all that is was created in a moment, the same moment. Each soul was born, as a particum of light. Like the spark that is within the flame. Many sparks which make up the flame which flickers in the darkness giving off the warmth and light. And it takes the many flames to make up the whole of the fire itself. There is a light, which is within the fire, and a light, which is a result of that fire. This is much like what occurred in the beginning of creation when we were the sparks that flew from the great light of Creator. There is a light at the source, and there is a reflection of that light, the image. Both are real, but both are very different in nature." If one were to take a stick from that fire and hold it up it would light the darkness before them, correct? But if they were to take that same stick of wood and hold it up in the light of the afternoon Sun, the light of the sun would absorb the light of the stick and it would not seem so bright. "The Washicu are all of these beings that are born of man emanations of the light, not the light itself.
They are and exist in the spirit world because they are in the consciousness of man a potentiality. Some have been given the job of being the guardian of mans spirit, as well as the reflectors of mankind's thoughts and emotions. This condition must exist, because it is the spirit dealing with the spirit." The emanations are reactionary in energy, and action. They have no creativity of their own and rely upon those who do have souls to be the source of their reality. Almost like vampires, isn't it? Like the child watching the parent they essentially imitate their creators behavioral and emotional blueprints. Yet they seem to posses a life force while having no soul. Through the evolution of mans consciousness some of these emanations have actually at times taken on physical form. Some being of lower vibration and others, being of higher vibration, they have managed to manifest into human form. These beings, for they are beings as long as we give them life and a reality to express in. All we have to do for that to occur is agree with the dream we are living in, we five life to reality, we affirm reality with our thoughts, every minute of every day.
They are helping to effect the Quickening the people are now sensing. In their desperation to assist mankind in their awakening as we approach the final hours before the purification, they are manifesting into physical form and walking amongst us. They know that this shifting of seasons is inevitable. Mankind is already in the fourth dimension, and feeling the chaos of that transition. Transition is being experienced on every level, emotional, physical, and spiritual.
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