So disrupted, and severely damaged are the layers that compose our atmosphere that at this time which way he tides will turn or when precisely. The atmosphere that surrounds our planet does a lot more then acts as a backdrop for clouds. It does more than just filter out Ultra violet rays. It also filters out different dimensions. It is in nature like a tinsel bubble. Having a very organic cosmology. The illusion of time is sustained within the atmosphere in this tinsel bubble. We have experimented with time in the Philadelphia Experiment, and the Montauk Project, which are only two of hundreds of projects that the government has or is involved with of this nature. As well, we have tampered with the weather and the Earth herself with various levels of HARRP technology. We have through our experimentation ripped a tear that is now unrepairable in this tinsel bubble of time, which is connected to our atmosphere. What was once there to protect us can no longer function as creator intended it. Presently it has been decreed that the world leaders have been given a time frame of what is now less than a few months (by the summer of 2000) in which to rectify the pollution and climatic problem on this planet. Now it must be understood that our Brothers from the Sun are concerned with the Planet, and not the politics of the situation. The likelihood of this happening is unlikely although not impossible. And events will occur within the next 90 days (Sept. to Dec.`99) that will cause a great disruption in the natural forces that make up our reality at the present moment. Also there will be a terrible event that will most likely effect the East cost of America first then the West Coast just a few weeks later. Look to the heaves for the source of this one.
are already occurring, they tell us about the severe dimensional shifting that will occur and the arrival of our ancestors from the heavens… You can find out about them in my book, Winds of Change. DAY OF DESTINY, my third work in the ancient prophesy series talks about the Great Solar rebirthing and restructuring of our solar system, as well as the experience of no time and dimensional shiftiness. Much of the cataclysmic occurrences, which will be occurring over the next 120 years of Great Earth Changes, are self-inflicted mishaps. We are entering into a 120 year period as we measure time presently where we will experience untold geophysical adversity that will cause a complete changing of the face of the Earth as we now know it, are directly tied to. Our Sun, which is going through a cycle of rebirthing, this is information that was known to the Mayan's. This is further complicated by the fact that Our Sun is malfunctioning and has wandered off course. This is further complicated by our own experimentation with technology which has caused irreparable damage to the cosmic balance of our solar system as well as our planet, and has torn up he dimensional fabric of time and dimension which holds our consciousness intact as well as Planet Earth. In all I have read and continue to discover and explore I have never found anything that speaks about the total destruction of Earth. Everything points to the fact that there will never be a total devastation of Earth and her People. It is highly unlikely that there will be and end to it all that is. One thing is certain we will experience changes that will be paramount in their effects upon our future generation, and the world as we presently know it will not be the same Earth that people look upon in 2121 by any means.