Brief Overview
Many civilizations and people have prophesied a very similar time to come. I will use only a few here to illustrate, you may wish to do a little research on your own as I will be giving very brief synopsis.
Ancient Egypt- documented Egyptian history refers to the "First Time" when man was created as somewhere prior to the 11 millennium. They then refer to the great flood circa 10500BC when most of mankind was destroyed. They foresaw Messianic type visits and major changes coming approx. every 2100 to 2600 years as our planet enters a new sign of the zodiac. If you do some research you will find they are basically right, the one that stands out is the course of events that preceded the birth of Christ. Their calendar so to speak only goes as far as the "Last Time" when our planet enters the"Age of Aquarius". This time is referred to as the "New Age" when man will enter a new time of development. The age of Aquarius starts in approximately 2050.
Aztec- these people refer to the "First Sun" as the time man was created, again approx. 15000BC. They document a great flood destroying most of mankind around the time of 11000BC. They forecast their calendar as far as the "Fifth Sun" when quote " in it there will be a movement of the earth and from this we all shall perish". We are currently in the "Fifth Sun".
Inca- All we have from these peoples is documentation of a great flood in 11000BC which they called the "Time of Chaos". When the Gods punished man for not living according to the rules. The Inca civilization disappears without a trace so we don't know what they may have perceived of mans future.
Mayan- these people basically cut to the chase and tell us that the "End Time" is December 23, 2012AD. This is the date archeologists have determined from Mayan documents.
Hopi Indian- these Arizona Indians are distant relatives to the Aztec. They are very concerned about mankind's destiny, the Hopi elders are telling us that the omens are happening. Their prophesy tells of the "Fourth sun" ending in flames and that the "Emergence of the Fifth World" will happen. Yeah were drawing to the end of the "Fourth Sun". Please read the Eighth Thunders
Assyria- in 300BC the Astronomer and Seer- Berosus prophesied the current age of man would be destroyed by flames when 5 planets came into alignment. As it happens an astronomical rarity of 5 planets in conjunction which happens only every 42500 yrs is about to occur on May 5th 2000. *
Bible- well the xians say most of mankind was destroyed by a flood around 10300BC. Chapter2 Peter3 states that "Judgment Day" will end the world in flames. We are told that the Biblical omens are occurring now.
Ok do we see a pattern? Yes..well don't panic. I'm not 'chicken little" running around yelling the sky is falling. I don't think mankind is going to be shaken completely off this planet like pesky fleas. Though she certainly would be in her right to do so. The entire purpose of this section is to point out, in the words of Dylan "the times are a changin". Many prophesies tell us as this century comes to a close mankind will find evidence that will force us to reevaluate our existence.
* footnote: Well the end of the century has come and gone, no great revelations were uncovered. My point is, not all prophecies manifest.