The Quickening
All Hu-manity is now standing at the edge of time, once again you find yourself entering the Alchemical Garden of Creation. You have questions about self and relationship. You know intuitively this is the time of awakening. Feelings and emotions that have long been buried deep within your soul. Imprinted from eons of experience within the dream of the human drama, lifetime after lifetime are all rising to the surface.
You feel so much that you wish at times you were not feeling. Your spirit calls for the answer to the inner state of confusion that prevails, as the world as you once knew it transforms before your very eyes. Everything is shifting. Often there is no solid ground to walk upon. Only the human heart remains the same.
The divine child within is crying out, as your soul screams to spread its wings, breaking the rules of logic and reason. There are fleeting moments when you are suspended between the history of yourself and dreaming in the moment. The divine child is waking from the slumber of ten thousand lifetimes. The human spirit can no longer be contained as the fires of creation rage within.
This is no longer a time of wondering, and exploring the potentials of some future experience. Rather this is a time for our birthing and awakening. We are asked to join once again in the Dance of Life. We are now experiencing the full opening of our conscious potentials, what has come to be called the Quickening.
We have begun the shifting of our universal consciousness. This time of Great change has been foretold by the prophets, the seers, and ancient writings on stone is now upon us.
There is a new universe being born from within! We hear the calling of the Lords of Light, for they have come to gather their Children once again in the Light.
We must prepare now for our inevitable experience.
For we have an appointment with destiny…
In this apparent time of darkness Know that, that which is occurring in the perceived confusion you call the changes, is
an occurrence of bliss and divine love. Know that which you have come to call the Earth Changes is merely the fulfillment and the manifestation of our greater reality.
What you are experiencing is the heated passion of the Divine Goddess as she awakens from centuries of denial. Her dream of the divine Hu-man is realizing itself through an emotional expression of waves of unfathomable energies, breaking down our resistance.
Like the waves of an unseen ocean. So these could be called the tides of change, as we ourselves roll across the octaves of her creation song. There we find that we bend and turn with the sounds of the celestial tones, sensing the unseen, as our emotions ebb and flow.
With the divine unfolding of unconditional love is embracing Hu-man kind at this time, and enabling us to free ourselves forever from darkness of doubt and fear that has blocked our experience of the true reality of who and what we are.
We have known fear because we have allowed our selves to become separated from the divine force. Now we are being freed from the greatest Mystery of all. The Spell of Mortality. The Spell, which has bound us for untold eons of our experience in this experiment of self-imposed limitation. Those boundaries are now removed.
We as Hu-manity have created through our desire to connect to the Divine Spark that is within us all, window if you will, a portal through which we now make our passage into forever, as infinite beings.
Through this portal much knowledge is being made available to us to use, to access and turn into our personal pathway of Divine Wisdom. We are invited to come together in this Gathering, and union with the Lords of Light.
Those we remember as the Gods and Goddesses of creation are none other then an aspect of ourselves remembered through the gift of our souls. We are being invited to share in the celebration of the releasing of the Spell of Mortality which has held us so long in bondage. We are invited to take a voyage into forever.
Those of the higher realms invite you to join them in the celebration of the re-awakening of the Divine Mother. Wisdom comes to all her children, equal to the intensity in which they come unto her with their desire to seek that knowledge. For no one shall be denied, save by their own choosing. Know the time prophesized by the ancients has begun…This is the Quickening. Let your spirit Song be heard throughout the Cosmos. Let the Gathering Commence.
If you possess within your being the courage to embrace Joy and surrender past fears.
If you still dare to Dream. If there is a place in your heart where Fairy Tales are still possible.
If you have held within you, the heart of the child....then come join now follow your hearts for you are being summoned to the gathering.
The light has been lit, the veils that allowed the shadows of our past experience are falling away. The very Stars are singing their songs to us. You are the Dreamer who is Dreaming the dream! The God child within you determines the outcome.