Within our existence, are universal laws that govern every being. Our universe is one of Free Will, although not all universes are so. As such, all beings have the gift of choice and all create their own path back to Source. Know that your physical reality is an illusion, a construct created by the mind. The Law of Manifestation states that you have the ability within you to create the reality of your choosing. Quiet the mind and merge with the One. Be of singular purpose as you follow the Light and watch as what you envision manifests into your physical world. The Law of Attraction states that discernment should used when stating your intentions, for similar energies attract. Choices made from a mindset of fear will attract additional fears; but when love and harmony emanate from your heart, it is love and harmony that will return to you. Like attracts like. The Law of Truth states that your choices are what allow you to experience as a part of the One and as all experiences of the One are not judged as right or wrong, then each experience is a part of your truth. Yet, the Law of Cause and Effect, or as you have heard it said, the Law of Karma, will assist in creating an equality and understanding of what is learned through your choices. Every choice creates an opportunity for learning and each aspect of the One may only move closer to its Source as it learns from its experiences. When a lesson is not learned, it is repeated either in the same physical vehicle or in another incarnation of the self.

The Law of Light states that the One exists as a frequency of light and all aspects of the One are, at their core, also beings of Light. The Law of Equality states that as light beings that are a part of the One, all are equal in the eyes of the One. It is only the duality of the physical plane that creates the illusion of separation and fear that occurred in the Atlantean end time and occurs in your now. This is your task and the Key to Life, to transmute darkness into light.11 This can be achieved as it was in the Golden Age, by understanding the Law of Perception, which states that every being has the ability to see beyond the physical plane and into the other realms. Humanity holds the key to the gateway that leads to these other dimensions and that key is within the heart. Following the heart in all that you do will awaken you to worlds previously unseen. As duality fades away, what remains is the frequency that answers every question. That frequency is love.

Excerpt from The Fifth World, by AJ Ferrara

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