Crossing the Threshold


A Dimensional doorway opened on January 1, 1998. It is time for all people, all nations to join together in the Sacred Circle, to create peace and harmony with each other, Mother Earth, and the Universe. Humanity now has an opportunity to choose it's future. The Earth, Sun and Galactic Center (the Center of the Milky Way) are all converging in an alignment that only happens every 6450 years. This is the time prophesized by the Mayans, Egyptians, Hopi, Revelations, and many others as the End Time, the close of the 4th Cycle of Separation and the beginning of the 5th Cycle of Illumination. It is the changing of the Ages, Piscean to Aquarian, the end of linear time and the beginning of circular time. This Vibrational Shift gives us an opportunity to raise our consciousness (reconnect spiritually) and transform ourselves and the planet.

January 1, 1999 is referred to as Crossing the Threshold and is the beginning point for humanity to rejoin the Sacred Circle. It is important for as many people as possible to cross the threshold together for this will tip the scales for a positive future.

Facts About The Threshold

It takes 25,800 years for the equinox of the Earth to travel through the 12 constellations of the Zodiac. This is called the precession of the equinox. The vernal equinox has been in the sign of Pisces for approximately 2160 years and is now moving into the sign of Aquarius. It is the changing of the world age. The ancient Egyptians, Mayans and numerous other native cultures were all aware of the cosmic clock and the pyramids were timeworkers. There are four times during the 25,800 years that there is an alignment of the Earth, Sun, and Galactic Center (the center of the Milky Way). It happens in the signs of Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, and Scorpio and these are called the four corners of the world. In Egypt the Sphinx was made up of a human face (Aquarius), a lion (Leo) the hoof of a bull, (Taurus), and the wings of an Eagle (Scorpio). Our planet is about to experience this alignment which means there will be a vibratory shift of energy to a higher frequency. Humanity now has an opportunity to align with this high vibration and begin to create a peaceful harmonious world. During the times when the Earth, Sun, and the Galactic Center are not aligned, Spirit comes and teaches humanity how to stay connected to the oneness through ceremonies, prayer, meditation and following spiritual law. The native people are called the keepers of the Earth and have lived within the Sacred Circle for 1000's of years. It is time again to return to a harmonious way of life guided by Spirit.

From Mayan Cosmo Genesis 2012

There is an alignment of the Earth, Sun, and Galactic Center (center of the Milky Way) that will take place between February 1998 and November 1999. The June and December solstices of 1998 and 1999 would appear to be critical turnabout points. We might consider ourselves to have "crossed the threshold" by the December Solstice of 1999. Nick Fiorenza's research indicates the Earth and Sun will align with the center of the galaxy sometimes between 1999 and 2000.

From Cosmic Stargate by Steven Hanauer:

The Mayans called the end of their calendar, the end-time, stating that humanity would no longer need a calendar depicting linear time, for we would be moving to a higher dimension (vibration). This correlates with the alignment of the Earth, Sun, and Galactic Center. The Hopi Indians believe this is the end times and that we will be moving from the "fourth" to the "fifth world" The Sacred Circuit maps our direct connection to the cosmos, based upon the ancient adage "as above so below", stating that whatever changes occur at the macrocosmic level (galactic core) affect everything at the microscopic level. Our DNA attunes to our cells, which attune to our brain, which attunes to our heart, which attunes to the Earth, which attunes to the Sun, which along with all the other stars of the galaxy attune to the Galactic core. So, whatever changes occur at the Galactic Core affect everything in the Galaxy all the way down to our DNA. Everything is connected through this sacred circuit by staying in resonance with the cosmic rhythmic pulsations which cause the spinning of stars and planets and even the beating of our heart. The possible origin of these rhythmic pulsations are revealed within the Galactic Core.

The above article was borrowed and re-edited from the "Starpeople" Website.