March 2010

Circles upon circles. We always end up where we started. For the last few months I have been focusing on Crystalwell, specifically the Divine Magicke section. I now return to The Oracle.... both sites truley came into existence in March of 1998 , just before Ostara. As we prepare to celebrate the completion of 12 yrs and enter into lucky 13, both sites are once again reborn for Ostara. Yet not. The focus will be exactely as it I wrote in 1999.....

"Just as the name implies this website is for those who seek information and answers. Specifically little things, that when viewed separately seem like nothing. But when brought together will at least make you ponder and go ..hmmmmm. Day to day news of an eclectic nature. There's an awful lot of "things" that occur everyday that for various reasons never hit main stream news. That doesn't make them any less important, I believe the problem is that the average news reporter has been trained to look at what makes money...what sells. To please the masses is the order of the day. Thing is I think there is a pretty large mass being overlooked or just pushed aside as being on "the fringe". As a Pagan we are considered part of the fringe, that's fine, but our numbers are growing and the news items we may be concerned about don't interest most.(now 12 yrs later not just tree huggers are concerned with what his happening to the planet, the masses are now paying attention to)

My definition of a pagan is pretty individual who is aware of the fact that "ALL" living things upon this planet are inextricably woven together. That we all share "the life force" or "the collective consciousness" pick a name they all mean the same thing. We are aware of the energies that flow thru everything and we strive to understand and make good use of them. We are open to all possibilities and points of view. We recognize that we are much more then our physical shells. What the human psyche is actually capable of doing is wondrous. Everything the "human species" does has an effect on this planet. Every action has an equal an opposite reaction--this is a basic law of physics. Why can we accept this when it relates to the mathematical concept of energy..but we neglect to apply it to the esoteric. If you throw a pebble into the ocean where do the ripples end? Earth is a living , breathing organism and she's pissed off and fighting back. She's fighting for her life and ours, the warning signs are all around us, the time of just sitting back and existing is drawing to an end. WAKE UP!

It's time to look to the past as well as the present in order to preserve our futures. Our ancestors knew allot more then most give them credit for. Every race has similar myths or legends that have been passed down. Is it a coincidence that civilizations separated by thousands of miles or years speak of the same things...I greatly doubt it. This is where I would like to start this website by drawing attention to a few prophecies. Now don't get me wrong this is not a Doomsday scenario....its soul purpose is to make you aware of what's going on and allow you to draw your own conclusions- if any. We have "free will" nothing is written in stone. We are more then capable of creating our future reality by taking control of the present."

The present is now folks!!!! Choose here and now to not live in fear. To take control, to become informed. To not fall victim to the mass hysteria of the 2012 hype. Be ready! Now is the time to create your reality........start by re-creating yourself.

Bright Blessings Spydr & Sheer


November 2009

In 2005 The Oracle took on a bit of a different focus. Mainly a jump off point to places of a Prophetic nature on the net. The earthchanges reporting came pretty much to a stand still. Once again in 2006 a re-vamp of this site, as well as it's sister site Crystalwell began. Work came to a quick stop when an un-planned move occurred. The move was to a small, and I do mean small cabin in the middle of basically no where. No electricity for 2 yrs put a halt to any more site development. We have been back in more civilized surroundings for about a year. I have been working on Crystalwell for the last several months, now it is The Oracles turn. The site will still focus on Prophetic Messages of an Earth Changes nature. But once again will include current news stories, which in their essence, affect us as a whole.

As 2012 rapidly approaches, people are panicking and searching for answers as never before. It is not the end of the world people. It is the end of an age. It is not the Apocalypse nor is it Armageddon. The Fourth world is coming to a close, the Age of Destruction. The Fifth world is emerging, the Age of Peace. Picture a Pentacle, the planet has passed thru 4 Ages...Earth,Air,Water and Fire. There is only one element left, Ether /Spirit.

The planet we sit upon is raising her vibration. She is preparing to ascend, to transform. She has almost accomplished The Great Work. Will you join her or be left behind?

Remember our Path upon this planet is pre-destined . How we walk the path is up to us.

Bright Blessings Spydr & Sheer


The Oracle was originally created in the summer of 99' when we felt urged to create a Prophecy section within Crystalwell. We really did not have a clear focus of what the content should be but listened to the little voice. Hardly anyone visited our little sub-Webpage in two years, that changed September 11 2001. With the increased activity we thought maybe we should re-vamp it, originally it was written for those of the Earth based beliefs...i.e Pagans. Now it would seem "the world" has taken an interest in the future. And what we wrote 2 years ago is pertinent now.

Our planet reacts to what is occurring on her surface, don't ever doubt it.

Bright Blessings Spydr & Sheer