Mayan Calenders
Do all the different Mayan Calendars have you confused? You're not alone. How about the Days and Nights? First we are told beware of December 21 2012. Now we are hearing October 28th 2011, is the day to watch. Lets Clarify.
There are two different Calendars . The one everybody has been concerned about for the last couple decades comes to an end on Dec 21 2012, .We'll get back to that . Let's look at the Calendar that ends October 28th 2011 , the Tzolk’in and its significance. Each Mayan year is considered a night or a day. For the last year we have been in a Day, a 7th Day.
The Tzolk’in is a 260 day Calender of 13 periods of 20 days. These time periods are also considered Nights or Days. Days are times of creation and growth. Nights are times of destruction.
On October 28 2011 The Mayan 7th Day(year count) comes to an end. For centuries The Mayans recorded this Calendar and a 7th Day is always following by the recording of a 7th Night . But not this time. That's the thing. Why? Because it also coincides with the end of the 9th Cycle (Long Count Calender)
On September 23 2011, the Equinox, we begin a 6th night. On October 11th a 7th day begins, which also ends on October 28th. October 11th is the 7th Day(day) of the last recorded 7th Day(year).
The 9th Cycle is not followed by a 10th, it is followed by a 1. Think of this biblically it's the easiest. At the end of the 7th Day god rested. He did not work that night, it was the first Sabbath. The next day a new day dawned, a day not written by god. Why is there nothing recorded on the calendar after October 28 ? In theory the 7th night should begin October 29th, and last 20 days. The thirteen months between October 30th 2011 and December 21 2012, is a "Non-Time". A time that has not been predetermined. How bad the destruction and in what form it comes to a degree is up to us. The Mayans believe this is a time of Spiritual Transition. The people as well as the planets vibration is rising. It is time to create the world you wish.
The second calendar is the Long Count which counts Baktuns. Each Baktun being a duration of 400 Tuns. This calendar ends Dec 21 2012. This date does also seem to be in debate, some say 22nd or 23rd. I believe the Dec 21 date. Why? Well the Galactic Alignment (which happens every year) will happen at exactly 11:11, on Dec 21. That's not a coincidence. Plus all the great Civilizations end their calendars at this date. and all of their prophetic writings say this is the End Times. Seems like a strange coincidence. They also all say "It is a time of Spiritual Ascension", that there will be a new sun. A sun that vibrates at a higher level.
So why did the Mayans after centuries of maintaining these calendars stop? Because they believed "TIME" as we know it, as we now count it would no longer exist. Not that the planet would be gone and all life upon it, but that on December 21 2012 a new paradigm would begin. Therefore our way of tracking time would have to change. The Mayan's believed we must return to natural time (13 months of 28 days) and stop useing the Gregorian method of counting.
It is prophesied that the end time will be fraught with turbulence. That destruction and chaos will ensue. The planet will re-birth herself via natural catastrophes. Nothing can stop what will happen to the planet in this next 13 months. How you as an individual come through the Transition is up to you. Stay positive is the key, work on personal ascension.
Please visit Crystalwell's Alchemy section for information on Ascension.