Live a Life of Courage
In my article on Overcoming Your Fear , one of the solutions to overcoming it was to develop courage. The point was, if trying to conquer a particular fear hasn't been working for you, then work on developing courage.
Contrary to what some may believe, courage is not a quality you are or aren't born with. It's one that can be acquired, honed and cultivated.
Nor does it necessarily entail doing something dramatic or heroic. On a day-to-day basis many ordinary folk summon the courage to conquer both physical and psychological barriers to accomplish what they need to accomplish.
What is courage?
Courage is the mental and emotional preparedness and ability to deal with difficult, challenging, and sometimes seemingly impossible circumstances. It is the ability to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty, intimidation and other threats.
Why should we develop it?
When we develop courage we arm ourselves with the power and skill to confront problems and deal with adversity head on. It's a psychological muscle that helps us deal with life's challenges. Why do we develop any muscle? We do so because it strengthens us and helps us build resistance and resilience to hardship. Today when so many resort to various harmful and counterproductive substances to deal with problems, a healthy supply of courage is without doubt the wiser alternative.
How do we develop courage?
Making the effort to develop courage is an exercise in building additional strategies to live a productive, happy and meaningful life. It is yet another step towards taking responsibility for your state of mind, your circumstances and your well-being.
As Maxwell Maltz points out:
"We must have courage to bet on our ideas, to take the calculated risk, and to act. Everyday living requires courage if life is to be effective and bring happiness".
How to Develop Courage:
•Acknowledge and understand that it's not the absence of fear.
Even the most courageous experience fear and trepidation.
John Wayne said "Courage is being scared to death -- and saddling up anyway". Ask any soldier or warrior who has had to venture forth in battle. Few would deny feeling fear and uncertainty beforehand.
•Muster up the willingness to do so.
Before you can acquire any habit or character trait you must have a strong desire or willingness to do so. Contemplating the alternative, which would be to live in fear or a position of great vulnerability, should provide ample motivation.
•Read literature, the latest news, and watch movies about tales of courage.
Reading about the courageous acts of others is very inspiring and offers examples for all of us. In one of my favorite works of literature, Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote, although very ill equipped for it, sets forth to courageously right the wrongs of the world. He faces scorn, ridicule and resistance at every turn, yet he perseveres.
"One man scorned and covered with scars still strove with his last ounce of courage to reach the unreachable stars; and the world was better for this". Don Quixote, de la Mancha
Likewise, you need not read much further than stories from 9/11 to be moved and inspired. Consider the courage and bravery of the ordinary men and women, the firefighters, the police and all those who gave their lives to save others. Who can forget the accounts of their honorable actions and how they didn't think twice about consequences to themselves?
•Start small but start somewhere.
Venturing forth and stepping out of your comfort zone can be daunting at first so start out by doing something small. Ask that cute girl or guy out for a coffee (or herbal tea, juice, power shake). Sure it may be scary, but that's all right - do it anyway. If you normally hold back and are afraid to speak up, offer your opinion and suggestions at the next office meeting. Slowly, but surely build up your courage by doing the things you typically shy away from. Building courage in this way can help you when it's time to quit that job you are not suited for or leaving a relationship that you've long since outgrown.
•Develop faith and confidence.
A large part of developing courage is having faith in yourself, faith in a higher power and faith that things will work out. This type of confidence comes from maintaining a positive attitude and visualizing a favorable outcome. A courageous mindset is the product of faith, self-confidence and positive thinking.
"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage."
Anais Nin
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