A voice into The Future
.......The Quest Continues.........

A Few Words from your Host Prophecy
Seven Thunders- Intro Can a Comet cause a CME ?
The Quickening The Seven Thunders Quakes That Changed Time
Crossing The Threshold Eighth Thunder
Ninth Thunder
  The Thunders con't
Harmonic Convergence - José Argüelles  
Who was Jose Arguelles ? Messages From Native Elders  
  Carlos Barrios-Warnings Past News of Note
Mayan Endtime-Confused? Ophiuchus - The 13th Zodiac -In Myth
  Hopi/Sumer Parrallels Ophiuchus - In Science
Copeing With Fear Goto Crystalwell- Alchemy Magicke
Step 1 -Conquering Fear Goto Crystalwell- Ritual Magicke
Step3- Positive Thinking  
Step 4- Visualization